II Torneo Internacional de Ajodrez Capablanca in Memoriam / Ludek Pachman


Pachman, Ludek. Auteur

Publié par Imprenta Inder. La Habana , 1965

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Theorie Moderniho Sachu. Dil Druhy / Ludek Pachman

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Livre | [s.n.]. Praha | 1951

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Turnaj sesti mistru° : Praha - Jaro 1945 : Uvodan : 10 utkání turnaje s relíefy a 30 glosovanými par(...)

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Classic Chess Openings. Number Three, Pouziani Opening / Ludek Pachman

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Velikonocni Sachovy Turnaj v Praze 1943 / Ludek Pachman

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Livre | [s.n.]. Praha | 1944

Bibliothèque(s) : Bibliothèque Léon Deubel

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Classic Chess Openings. Number Four, The King's Gambit Accepted / Ludek Pachman

Pachman, Ludek. Auteur

Livre | James R. Schroeder. Cleveland | 1979

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Bibliothèque(s) : Bibliothèque Léon Deubel

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