Chess Traps, Pitfalls, and Swindles / I. A. Horowitz, Fred Reinfeld


Horowitz, I. A.. Auteur | Reinfeld, Fred. Auteur

Publié par Arco Publications. London , 1956

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Livre | Black Knight Press. New-York | 1936

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Livre | Straling Publishing Co. Inc.. New York | 1959

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A Course in the Elements of Modern Chess Strategy. Lesson V, The Nimzowitsch Defence. Part II, 4 Q-Kt3, and Black plays... P-B4 / Fred Reinfeld, Matthew Green | Reinfeld, Fred. Auteur

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The Human Side of Chess / Fred Reinfeld | Reinfeld, Fred. Auteur

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How to win when you're ahead / Fred Reinfeld

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How to play Chess like a Champion / Fred Reinfeld | Reinfeld, Fred. Auteur

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