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Vikings : saison 3 : B.O. de la série TV / Morris Trevor
Publié par Sony Bmg Music Entertainment , 2015
- Contient
- The Seer gives Lagerta a prohecy
- The Vikings set sail for Wessex
- Kwenthriths story
- Vikings battle Brihtwulf's army
- Throstein loses an arm
- A cloaked figure arrives in Kattegat
- Battle for the hill of the ash
- Judith
- Sacrifice for the corps
- Siggy sacrifices herself to save Ragnar's sons
- Rollo learns of Siggy's sacrifice
- Bjorn fights to save Rollo
- Helga tells Floki of Harbard
- The Seer laughts at Rollo's misery
- Aethelwulf attacks
- Ragnar kills the messenger
- Athelstan is reborn
- Floki appears to kill Athelstan
- Ragnar honors Athelstan's death
- Ecbert sends Athelwulf on a journey
- Aethelwulf meets with Kwenthrith
- Floki's seige towers revealed
- Vikings reach Paris
- The Attack begins
- The Walls are breached ; The French lose hope
- Ragnar knows Floki killed Athelstan
- Vikings attempt to rip open gates
- Floki melt down
- Floki curses the gods
- Kalf and Lagertha make a pact
- Lagertha's stealth assault on the bridge
- The French counter attack
- Ragnar hallucinates, sees gods
- The Kings are told of Ragnar's death
- Vikings attack Paris
- Ragnar sets sail for home
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Livre - 2008 - A marée basse : roman / Jim Lynch
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