Part-time lover, I love you much, Whereabouts, Stranger on the shore of love, Never in your sun, Spiritual walkers, Land of L.A., Go home, Overjoyed, Its wrong (apartheid)
Gary Clark Jr. revient avec un quatrième album studio intitulé JPEG raw, qui marque une étape importante dans son évolution musicale. Sur ce nouveau projet, l'artiste conserve la r (...)
A |Place in the sun. Boogie on Reggae woman. Don't you worry 'bout a thing. Do like you. For once in my life. Happy birthday. Higher ground. I was made to love her. I wish. Isn't s (...)
Bibliothèque(s) : Bibliothèque Léon Deubel
Magic Motown : L' Anthologie du plus grand label de musique noire